COVID 19 – Canada West Hospital Procedures Update

The B.C. Government has announced that the province will move to Step 3 of its restart plan effective July 1, 2021. At Canada West, we are excited about the progress being made to limit the spread of COVID-19.
According to the advice of Dr. Tam, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, we will continue with mask wearing and curbside service until the majority of our team members are fully vaccinated. This means that clients will continue to be asked to remain outdoors or in their vehicle while their pet is inside for their appointment, and to keep a safe physical distance from our team and other clients while they wait.
During the weeks ahead, as we plan to welcome you back into the clinic, we will be monitoring our internal air circulation systems and gradually adjusting our policies to allow owner access to the hospital based on our assessment of risks for both our staff and our medically compromised patients.
As always, we thank you for your continued cooperation in helping us provide safe and expert care for your animal family members.