
Almost every patient at Canada West requires some diagnostic imaging. Whether your pet has abdominal pain that requires a detailed assessment of internal organs, a complicated bone fracture that warrants precise evaluation of the injuries to plan surgery or is having a seizure disorder that necessitates a close look at the brain, diagnostic imaging is in order.

Radiologists are experts in the interpretation of all imaging modalities, from diagnostic radiology (X-rays) to ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT or CAT scans), magnetic resonance (MRI), and nuclear medicine. In addition, they perform interventional procedures such as obtaining samples by fine needle aspirates and biopsies.

To read about Veterinary Radiologists in more detail, click here for information provided by the American College of Veterinary Radiology.

Diagnostic Imaging Team

Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Augustin Mareschal

View Bio

Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Erin Keenihan

View Bio

Contact Us

1988 Kootenay Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 4Y3
T: 604.473.4882 | F: 604.473.4898

We are located in Greater Vancouver beside the Trans Canada Highway (Highway 1) — one block south of the 1st Avenue exit (EXIT 27) from Highway 1


Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

For media seeking comments or interviews, please complete the form below
Media Inquiries Form

Monday to Tuesday: 7am – 11pm
Wednesday to Friday: 7am – 11:30pm
Saturday: 8am – 11:30pm
Sundays/Holidays: 8am – 11pm

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